Gaming News

Video Game Preview: Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation, the fourth installment of the Terminator series, features stars the tantrum-throwing Christian Bale as John Connor as he and his human allies fight against the relentless robot armies of Skynet. This sci-fi post-apocalyptic war film set in 2018 is directed by McG and is slated for release in South Africa on June 5th, 2009. But enough about that, let’s talk the upcoming third-person shooter that will tie-in with the movie release.

Developed by Swedish game studio GRIN, Terminator Salvation will be a cover-based shooter whose story takes places two years prior to the film and shows the rise of John Connor through the soldier ranks to rightful place as the leader of the resistance. In that respect, the game’s story is an interquel (big words I eat them for breakfast!) that fits between Terminator 3 and the forthcoming Terminator Salvation movie.

The fight continues after the jump.

Flash Games Gaming News

Meat Boy Brings Retro Goodness, Hitler Gets a Mention Too

From Jonathan Mcentee and Edmund McMillen comes an old-school platformer with loads of meaty goodness. In Meat Boy, you and the girlfriend Band-Aid Girl are having a good time when she gets kidnapped by some blob-type thing. You need to get her back but in your way stands a series of dastardly jumping puzzles. With blocky graphics, a catchy soundtrack, and ever challenging (yet addictive) puzzles, it makes for some great retro fun.

Play Meat Boy at Newgrounds.

The cute little fleshbag will be making a transition to the Nintendo Wii as a WiiWare title; Super Meat Boy is slated for release later this year. They seem to have got the ball rolling with some potentially offensive advertising that takes a dig at vegetarians and Hitler in the same breath.

The dubious text has since been edited out on the game developer’s blog. Keep updated with the game’s progress at Super Meat Boy.

[via Gamers With Jobs | Joystiq]

Gaming News Weirdness

Female Fighting Characters, They are Tricksy

Whenever Lucy Furr and I play a fighting game – be it Soul Calibur, Tekken, or Virtua Fighter – she always poons me. There I am trying to pull off some sweet moves with coordinated button presses but my character usually gets seven kinds of shit beaten out of it by Lucy’s “faith-in-chaos” button mashing technique. She lauds that over me every time.

Females are inherently tricksy, and so it would make sense for female characters in video games to be cunning as well using their bodily bits to full advantage. From lightning kicks that expose lady parts to distracting camel toe possibilities, Regretful Morning breaks down 8 female fighting characters with unfair advantages. Here are some of my favourites:


Unfair Advantage: Makes moaning noises while fighting


Unfair Advantage: Wears slutty bat costume, nipples poke out of clothing, punches at the sack region

Mai Shiranui

Unfair Advantage: Acts as if she were prey, strikes while opponent is stunned by epic cleavage

More at Regretful Morning.

Gaming News

Video Games vs The Real World

Some people tend to poo-poo video games saying they are aimed at anti-social hermits who’d rather spend more time living in a digital world than in the real one. This is not such a bad thing, according to Games Radar who’ve drawn up some 30 comparisons between video games and the real world, fairly proving that playing in weird and wonderful game worlds is a great escape from the dull real world.

A pudgy Italian plumber who battles the turtle-like Koopa race and rescues the princess versus some boring dude with a spanner who might piss in your sink depending on how you’ve treated him.

Top-heavy, gun-toting, hot-pant-wearing Lara Croft versus some frumpy ladies digging with toothpicks.

Going in guns blazing versus setting in a muddy trench eating mud soup.

For more, hit up the full article at Games Radar.

BONUS: Directed by Frank Budgen, Double Life was a TV spot that aired in 1999 and romanticized gaming culture. Check it out below or go to YouTube.

– thanks Mark!

Gaming News

LittleBigWatch – New LBP Packs Coming Soon

It’s been a drought for LittleBigPlanet DLC since the holidays, but according to Sony Europe community team leader MusterBuster, has laid out a tentative timelines for the coming months of LBP addons and packs. No pricing on the content though.

Find the DLC schedule after the jump.

Arty Gaming News Music

Grab The World of Goo Soundtrack, it’s FREE

2D Boy, the devs behind the highly rated World of Goo have released the game’s soundtrack. It was a free download via designer and composer Kyle Gabler’s homepage before tremendous leeching caused it to die.

Get the soundtrack (27 songs, 85 MB) now at a temporary mirror – via Offworld.

Gaming News

Mirror’s Edge: Victory in Vomit

I’ll be getting Mirror’s Edge for the PS3 this weekend, and I’m really looking forward to playing it seeing if it’ll make me vomit. In Mirror’s Edge, I’ll be a sexy Asian woman (that’ll be a nice for a change) making use of parkour to deliver black-market messages in a locked-down, police state.

I’ll be running on rooftops some 40 stories in the air, leaping across vertigo-inducing gaps, tight-rope walking on pipes, and wall running like the Prince of Persia, all the while being chased down by the cops who’d loved to pop a cap in my ass. All this frenetic action may cause discomforting simulation sickness and result in me bringing up the pizza lunch I had earlier.

Only 15 minutes into the game, Clive Thompson over at said  that his mouth began overproducing saliva, and he had to pause the action for a few seconds to avoid carsickness. Other FPS games hadn’t affected him in this way, and he thinks Mirror’s Edge felt so visceral because it is the first game to hack into his proprioception.

According to wikipedia, proprioception is a sense of one’s own body – it is the sense that indicates whether the body is moving with required effort, as well as where the various parts of the body are located in relation to each other.

Most FPS games don’t create a proper sense of proprioception because you can’t see all the limbs of your character and can’t get a sense of the dimensions of your in-game body. In Mirror’s Edge, however, you can see your arms pumping up and down as you run, and your legs come into view when you make a jump. Clive says the game is not merely graphically realistic; it’s neurologically realistic. He feels he is the character, there is a strong sense of physicality, and the speed at which his character moves now means something and affects his brain as if he were really travelling at speed.

Click to make bigger.

In any case, when I eventually get to play Mirror’s Edge, I’ll have my bucket nearby in case of emergency ;)

You can read Clive’s article on Mirror’s Edge and proprioception at

Gaming News Useful/Useless Info

Video Games: The Week in Review

Gaming Consoles, A Happy Family

A quick catch-up for those who might have missed this weeks gaming news.

Playstation Home is LIVE, so go for a walk

Playstation Home launched yesterday amid some technical issues. Gamertell takes you on a walk through.

Read full article.

LittleBigPlanet community questions answered

Mark Valledor, the Marketing Manager of SCEA, answers a few community questions regarding lag, loading failures, and rankings in LittleBigPlanet.

Read full article.

Nintendo Homebrew Channel, now filled with 1.0 Goodness

Because Beta10 isn’t a cool enough, the HBC gets renamed to 1.0.

Read full article.

How to take good photos, Motorstorm Pacific Rift Edition

Stuart Trevor, a senior artist at Evolution Studios, tells you how to get making your spectacular crashes into works of art.

Read full article.

Time Magazine’s list their top 10 video games

The non-gamers at Time Magazine compile a list of their top 10 games.

Read full article.

Games for the girlfriend, a Christmas shopping experience

Sharing is caring – lists some games you could buy for your significant this Christmas.

Read full article.

Ten Disappointing Games of 2008

Games you may want to get second-hand.

Read full article.