Game Reviews

We Review: New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star

New Style Boutique 3 (known as Style Savvy in the US) is a game that sees you in the role of a fashion boutique owner trying to enfashion a lackluster town. It’s the fourth game in the New Style Boutique series (hence the 3, of course, because video game numbering sequence make perfect sense, don’t they, Street Fighter 2?). All of the games in the series had been very well received, so it was with some measure of curiosity that I approached this game to figure out what the attraction was.

Game Reviews

We Review: Super Mario Odyssey

The first true Mario game for the Nintendo Switch is finally here, and we get a chance to review Super Mario Odyssey in all its glory. After all, a Nintendo console would not be a Nintendo console without a Mario game to go with it. Got your overalls on? Then let’s jump straight into the review.

Game Reviews

We Review: Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

Marvel and Capcom have been tag teaming to make fighting games since the late 1990s and early 2000s. The fourth title in the series (or sixth if you include the original vs Street Fighter games) is titled Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. Because it features the Infinity Stones, geddit? The game has a roster of brawlers that cover multiple IPs from both sides, giving you tons of choice. Get your super powers and fighting words ready as we take on this review.

Game Reviews

We Review: Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns

Story of Seasons is what resulted after a spat between two warring video game publishers fought over popular IP Harvest Moon. I covered the history of this in my Harvest Moon review, so now I have a chance to see how the other half lives in Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. Is a farming game just a farming game? Or is it a version of Animal Crossing with humans in it? Grab the scythe on the way out to reap what I’ve sown in this review.

Game Reviews

We Review: Everybody’s Golf (PS4)

Everybody’s Golf is a staple of the Playstation brand by now, so I’m definitely not surprised to see it pop up on the Playstation 4. The last I played Everybody’s Golf by developers Clap Hanz was when the Playstation Vita launched back in 2012, and I really enjoyed it, so I was happy to see it return to my screen. I grab my tees and yell for my caddy as I review Everybody’s Golf to find out if it truly is for everybody.

Game Reviews

We Review Ark: Survival Evolved

If you’ve been playing games for more than say, 5 years, you’ll have heard of Ark: Survival Evolved. It’s been in “Pre-release” for what feels like ages and the day has finally come for a full release. Ark isn’t for everyone but then, it was never really intended to be. Think of it more like Minecraft but with actual gorgeous graphics.

Game Reviews

We Review: Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy

I had to go back and check, but it turns out that Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy is the first Layton game we’ve ever reviewed, despite there being a veritable slew of Layton games in existence. Okay, not a slew…more like…six, or seven if you include this one. Nine if you include spin-offs. And one movie. I’ve played Layton games before, but this one takes things in a slightly different direction, so let’s grab our magnifying glasses and get sleuthing for this review!

Game Reviews

We Review: Yo-Kai Watch 2: Psychic Spectres

Earlier this year, Level 5 released Yo-Kai Watch 2 for the Nintendo 3DS, and it came in two flavours: Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls. Now there’s a third flavour that combines the best of both prior versions, and adds a bunch more stuff to the game to boot: Yo-Kai Watch 2: Psychic Spectres. But how does it compare? Is my 3DS possessed? Must be the work of a Yo-Kai…let’s investigate!

Game Reviews

We Review: Knack II

Knack II continues the adventures of our titular sentient collection of pointy things, and takes him on new adventures to fight more goblins and evil nasties. The original game was released as a PS4 launch title back in 2013, and although we did not get a chance to review it, we have the sequel here to make up for the lack of Knack.

Game Reviews

We Review: Agents of Mayhem

Although Agents of Mayhem comes from the same pedigree stable that brought us Saints Row (Ed: That’s Volition games, if you weren’t already aware), it’s much closer to mule than thoroughbred. It’s a feast for the eyes with stunning graphics, engaging environments and a compelling world. All of this is overshadowed by the ghosts of repetitiveness, grind and a lack of real diversity. Let’s dive into this review with guns blazing and I’ll explain further.