Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Movies

The Most Delicious Imperial Star Destroyers You Ever Did See

Artist Roland Tamayo combines Star Wars and food to create the most delicious Star Destroyers you ever did see.

Tamayo takes keeps bridge part of the iconic class of warship intact but replaces the familiar triangular-shaped wedge with treats like pizza, birthday cake, cherry pie, strawberry cheesecake, and a quesadilla. It’s a combination that looks good enough to eat. Check them out below.

Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Photoworthy

Mouth-Watering Food Photos

Dr. Nathan Myhrvold may be lacking vowels in his last name but is certainly not short in cooking skills. The good doctor’s book Modernist Cuisine borrows techniques from the science laboratory and applies them to food preparation.

The photos from the 2438-page book have been extracted and presented centre stage in the coffee table stunner, The Photography of Modernist Cuisine. The dishes were photographed against minimal backgrounds, with cutaways and macro shots providing a fascinating view into the realm of cooking. Have a look at some of the mouth-watering images after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Featured Science & Technology Weirdness

Food as Seen Through an Electron Microscope

We’re big fans of how the scanning electron microscope can show the smallest of details. If you liked the last set of in-depth SEM images, you may like the works of Caren Alpert.

As a child, Alpert was fascinated with the back-page quiz of “3-2-1 Contact” Magazine, a quiz that tasked the viewer to identify the items in a selection of close-up images. The photographer (and food lover) has always been interested in the smaller details and has been photographing food for over eight years. After seeing an image taken with an SEM, Alpert was inspired to use the scientific equipment to capture images of the foods that we ingest on a regular basis. The magnification is between 45 and 850 times and the resulting images look like alien landscapes, delicious alien landscapes. Her project is entitled Terra Cibus and can be viewed on her website, which you can find through Google.

[via Laughing Squid]

Arty Awesomeness Eating and Drinking

Everyday Scenes, Told With Food and Toys

The concept of Lilliputian-type people interacting with the ginourmous world around them isn’t exactly a new thing, but that’s not to say it’s any less entertaining to see. In his Little People project, street artist Slinkachu abandons his miniature characters in different locations in London, and in Vincent Bousserez’ Plastic Life, the tiny people are doing all sorts of day-to-day activities such as scaling a large breast and mowing the lawn that happens to be someone’s beard.

Artist Christopher Boffoli plays around with the miniature theme in his project entitled “Disparity”. He says this:

I have always been interested in size disparity and a juxtaposition of scales between people and things. It seems to be a really common theme, dating from its use in the 18th Century by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver’s Travels all the way through the television and films of the 1970’s (like Sid and Marty Kroft’s Dr. Shrinker) and 80’s (The Incredible Shrinking Woman/Honey I Shrunk the Kids/Innerspace) that I grew up on.

His project humourously shows the daily grind of life where food plays just a major role as the tiny people themselves. From trimming a brocolli hedge to civil engineers exploring a crack in an egg to a janitor mopping up a mustard spill, Boffoli creates some fantastic little scenes. Have a look at them after the jump.

Arty Eating and Drinking

Food & Typography

There are certain foods that just go well together. For example, I’m partial to a beer when I eat curry and think adding dollops of extra-crunchy peanut butter to vanilla ice cream is an unbelievably awesome idea.

Illustrator Dan Beckemeyer uses popular food group duos in his gooey Ampersand Food Groups series, proving typography and food make another great combination. Have a look at his creations after the jump.

Awesomeness TV Video Clips

Hey Guys, I Just Picked up a Delicious Beggar

Here’s a little South African flavour for our international readers who visit often but rarely leave any comments. It hurts us on our studio (if you missed that reference, see here – it’s at the 49-second mark).

In the past, South African fast food chain Chicken Licken ran a series of entertaining funk-themed TV ads for their brand of “soul food”. Our friends over at 10and5 spotted a new set of ads that take the brand in a hilarious new direction. Our favourite ad involves a play on one of South Africa’s major pastimes, mispronunciation. In it, an affable chap comes homes to his housemates after picking up a delicious “beggar”.

Check out a few more Chicken Licken ads after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness

Miniature Meals by Kim Burke

Artist Kim Burke hails from Minnesota, United States, and loves miniatures. Drawing inspiration from cookbooks and pastry shops, she makes mouthwatering miniature meals out of polymer clay.

For someone who claims to be a newbie, the level of detail shown in her work is absolutely amazing. Have a look at some of her tiny treats after the jump.

Arty Eating and Drinking

Pin-ups and Junk Food

After a day of reconciliation binge drinking, both Lucy Furr and I are feeling a tad fragile. I don’t quite know what hangover cure would do best, but I’m thinking it has to be junk food, with a side order of pin-up girls.

Toronto-based illustrator Wendy Ding has created a series entitled “Food Girls” that placed sexy naked women in unexpected scenes, for example in between a hot dog roll, smothered in tomato sauce. I know what you’re thinking and yes, I too would love a hot dog roll right about now. The Food Girls series can be seen after the jump – there are exposed boobies so view with caution.

Arty Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Photoworthy Weirdness

You Won’t Believe It’s Food Colouring

Seriously awesome. Designer Corey Holms uses household objects to create beautiful, otherworldly scenes. His photos are made primarily of food colouring, vegetable oil, and water. Have a look at some of them after the jump.

Mindlessness Useful/Useless Info Weirdness

Fishy Jewelry

I love sushi. Sushi is easily my favourite food, and if I could choose how I was going to die, I’d want to die in a bathtub filled with salmon roses.

This is taking it a bit far though. Seriously, sushi jewelry? Everyone around you is going to think that you got your ring in a R10 lucky packet.

Nevertheless, some people would actually buy this stuff, which is what’s fascinating…

[via Gearfuse]