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WWII Star Wars Action Figures

Ever wondered what George Lucas’ epic adventure Stars Wars would look like if it were made in the 1950s? YouTube user whoiseyevan imagined just that in his pre-make.

In another blast from the past, custom action figure creators Sillof and Glorbes wondered what Stars Wars would be like if it happened on planet Earth during the time of World War II where the Rebel Alliance were the allied forces and the Galactic Empire were the nefarious Nazis. The first series their joint effort, Star Wars 1942, debuted in 2008 and featured custom action figures including high-flying Captain Hank Solowski, his first lieutenant Chuck Backer, and corporal Lucas S. Walker. In 2010, series 2 debuted with the likes of General Ben Kenworthy, the two steampunk battle droids, and the most menacing Reichsführer Vater. The attention to detail in the figures is quite remarkable. Have a look at them after the jump.