Marvel and Capcom have been tag teaming to make fighting games since the late 1990s and early 2000s. The fourth title in the series (or sixth if you include the original vs Street Fighter games) is titled Marvel vs Capcom Infinite. Because it features the Infinity Stones, geddit? The game has a roster of brawlers that cover multiple IPs from both sides, giving you tons of choice. Get your super powers and fighting words ready as we take on this review.
Tag: Marvel
It’s time for Captain America, Iron Man, and the rest of the Avengers to get back in action with Captain America: Civil War, and this time they’re fighting among themselves. Of course, the Avengers alone couldn’t carry more than a scenery-destroying barroom brawl, so they’ve brought some friends along for the fight. Let’s dive into the brawl for this review. Last one in’s a rotten egg.
Marvel’s continually expanding its cinematic universe (MCU for short), and we now have the teaser trailer for the next film: Doctor Strange starring Sherlock’s Benedict Cumberbatch. We’ve covered previous Marvel films here before, so we anticipate this one with …err… anticipation. If you’ve no idea who Doctor Strange is, or why this is an exciting trailer, let me help you. But first watch the trailer.
Film Review: Ant-Man
Marvel’s twelfth film in its Cinematic Universe is Ant-Man, and it follows on from The Avengers: Age of Ultron in a sort of tangential manner. Ant-Man himself is far less well-known to non-comic buffs than other Avengers, or even the Fantastic Four. Let’s see how well the miniature hero stacks up against the bigger names.
The Fantastic…Avengers?
DeviantArt artist theDURRRRIAN created some wonderful works based on the idea of the Avengers meeting up with Magic: The Gathering. What we have are some gorgeously poignant and familiar characters with a twist that makes me wish there were a comic series based on these illustrations. Check them out after the break.
We Review: Avengers: Age of Ultron
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is growing at quite a rate, and the latest Avengers film is the eleventh movie in the series and the sequel (of sorts) to the highly successful, hugely acclaimed 2012 Avengers film. In this new story, the Avengers get to go head to head with maniacal robot Ultron. Earth needs saving. Again.
You may have heard of the MARVEL-lous competition that we ran last week. Today’s the day you find out if you won one of three awesome Marvel hampers courtesy of Disney Africa and Readers Den! Who will our lucky three be? Will it be you? Or you there at the back? How about you over there in the Iron Man cosplay? Nice mask. Drumroll please as we draw the winners…
It’s almost Christmas time, and we love giving you presents! Well, lucky for you, Christmas may come a little early for three lucky Marvel fans, courtesy of the wonderful folk at Disney, and the wonderful folk at Readers Den Comic shop!
Want to win? Then enter right here!
Disney Infinity, released last year, was Disney’s entry to the toys-that-come-to-life genre, alongside the only other entry: Skylanders. While Skylanders had to build their fan base almost from the ground up, Disney Infinity had the advantage of having a built-in fan base and a veritable slew of characters to draw upon. This year, Disney lets its Marvel characters take the helm with the new Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (aka Disney Infinity 2.0). I strap on my shield, get into my power armour, grab my hammer, sling my webs, and plug in my Awesome Mix vol. 1 to see what the new game is all about.
Hands up those of you who had never heard of the Guardians of the Galaxy before this year. That’s a lot of hands, but not as many as I’d expected. Those who follow Marvel’s comic universe—and the Avengers in particular—will be more than a little aware of the Guardians, but those who know Marvel for simply Spider-Man or The Avengers have something wonderful in store. Come, let me tell you about it.