Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics

Skottie Young’s Superhero Babies

If you liked the Game of Thrones sigils or Brandon Peat’s A to Z of Star Wars, you won’t be able to resist the super cute artworks by Skottie Young.

The illustrator and cartoonist re-imagines Marvel super heroes as boisterous babies, from baby Hulk smashing his toys to the potty-mouthed Deadpool, to an epic confrontation between the A-Babies and the X-Babies. Have a look at Young’s baby variant comic book covers after the jump.

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Movies Sports

If The Avengers Were Modern Day Olympians

Marvel’s The Avengers are capable of amazing acts of superheroism. What would it look like if they applied their skills to the very human tradition that is the Olympics? Illustrator scargeear imagines Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, and the gang as athletes at the 2012 London Olympics, complete with their individual sporting kits and the events that they’d participate in.

Have a look at assembled team of Olympic Avengers after the jump.


Avengers Eye Shadow Art is Marvellous

Just like Katie Alves, Jangsara has a deft hand when it comes to applying eye shadow. With Joss Whedon’s rollicking superhero blockbuster The Avengers fresh in her mind, the makeup artist from Finland applies eye shadow using the basic colours of each character’s costume. Have a look at her minimalist Avengers eye makeup after the jump.

Game Reviews

We Review: Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Every kid has a favourite super hero. Every adult male still does. While there are many who rate the man of steel from planet Krypton, tons who love the steel-clad Iron Man, and even a few who worship that not so jolly green giant, the incredible Hulk (between me and you… he’s not that incredible), I have always been a massive fan of Spider-Man. There are two things that sold me on the arachnoid homo-sapiens: his constant witty wisecracks, and web-slinging between towering skyscrapers. Unfortunately in Spider-Man: Edge of Time, only one of those was present and in a form that only annoyed me. Continue reading and find out how I unraveled the good and the bad in this web.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Gaming News Mindlessness

Angry Birds as Superheroes!

The Internet is a veritable treasure chest of superhero mashups. We’ve seen them re-imagined as dinosaurs, felines, emotional wrecks, and even with their genders reversed. And now it seems they’ve been crossed with birds, angry ones at that.

Springfield Punx reader Ryan has been hard at work dressing up Angry Birds as if they were superheroes from the Marvel and DC comic books. As tired as you may be of Rovio’s cash cow fowl, there is no denying that these angry heroes are the teensiest bit cute. Have a look at the amusing Iron Bird, Angry Bat, the Avian Torch, and others after the jump.

Awesomeness Movie Reviews Movies

We Review: X-Men: First Class

X-Men: First Class launches today country-wide across cinema screens, and I was invited to the preview screening courtesy of Nu-Metro. I also asked a good friend, the owner of Reader’s Den comic shop, to tag along and give me his professional opinion of the film. This, the fifth film in the X-Men movie canon, is set in the 1970s and tells the story of the genesis of the X-Men. Usually, the more sequels there are in a film series, the worse the quality becomes, until it is a writhing, painful mess that is eventually left to rot in a dank, fetid corner, tossed aside with yesteryear’s garbage. However, X-Men is a highly beloved franchise, and First Class is less a sequel than a prequel. How does it stack up to its elders? Read the spoiler-free (as much as is reasonable, anyhow) review after the jump.

Game Reviews

We Review: Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is not a game to be reviewed lightly: it is probably one of the most anticipated fighting games of the year (Ed – right up there with Mortal Kombat 9!), and at the top in terms of genre. When Marvel vs. Capcom debuted on the Playstation and Dreamcast in 1999/2000, it revolutionised the fighter genre with its flashy combos, fast pace, and fan-favourite characters. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 took this model and advanced it: 56 playable characters, 3 vs. 3 match-ups, hyper combos the size of your screen, and the unique feature of making me hear Ringo Starr scream “I got blisters on me fingers!” in the background.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3—amidst much hype—needed to not only match the expectations of the die-hard fans, but also accommodate fans new to the series and genre. It did this perfectly and in style.

You can easily pick up a controller, jump into Arcade mode, and mash some buttons together to pull of some awesome hyper-combos with little practice. This is not the extent of the depth of this fighting game, however. MvC3 will go as far as you can, all the way to the 3-teamed hyper combo finish line.

Read more after the Super Jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured

RAWR! Marvel Super Heroes Re-Imagined as Dinosaurs

Sweet llamas of the Bahamas! I have seen super heroes re-imagined as Mr Men, furry felines, and even gender-swapped. But I don’t think anything could be as epic as this.

In his series of portraits, Flickr user David Resto (d.r3sto) imagines some popular Marvel comic book characters as if they were creatures from the Cretaceous and the Jurassic periods. It was a time like no other, when Earth’s mightiest dinosaurs found themselves united against a deadly threat, the K-T extinction event. Super dinos Iron Brontosaurus, Captain Ameritops, Hulkasaurus Rex, and AnkyloTHORus united to form The Avengersaurs. Check them out after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Entertainment

Marvel Gets TRON-ified recently put up a special range of covers which shows our popular comic book heroes into a new light, Tron-style. This also highlights that Marvel has begun designs for a Marvel Tron comic, Tron: The Betrayal. It is a miniseries so I’m hoping that it’s full of quality!

Since Disney’s acquisition of Marvel I have been very weary of the future for comics, but it seems that Marvel is keeping its true spirit alive. I just hope it doesn’t go further than this.

Walt Disney Pictures’ 3D adventure, Tron: Legacy is due in theaters on December 17th. So along with this, Marvel comics has produced these variant covers to promote the new film. These characters have been re-imagined to tie in with the Tron universe, and of course, to get us even more hyped up about this highly anticipated film. The artists, Mark Brooks and Brandon Peterson, have truly nailed the crossover.

Tron: Legacy is a sequel to the original 1982 film and promises new material and a great cinematic experience. Tron: Evolution is the tie-in video game, scheduled for release late this year as well. I’m hoping that these Marvel characters can make some guest appearances in there.

So here are some of the Marvels’ Tron variant covers:

Captain America

More pics are up after the jump

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics

Marvel-lous Cats

Cats are the lifeblood of the Internet. If you liked Joseph Senior’s mashups of Hello Kitty and pop culture icons we posted about earlier, you’re bound to like the #MRVLCATS meme doing the rounds on Twitter. This is the one in which artists illustrate Marvel super heroes as lovable felines. Have a look at some of the Marvel Cats after the jump.