Perhaps I’m the only one, but whenever I hear anyone say the words ‘Clever Girl’ while talking to their dog, girlfriend or colleague, I’m immediately reminded of one of my favourite scenes from a movie. Maybe I’m not the only one and you already know which scene and which movie I’m talking about?
Come on… it’s one of the highest grossing films of all time and was groundbreaking in it’s day, you have watched it!.. Still nothing… Alright fine, final clue is an image, maybe the left side of your brain is more active than the rest.

There you go, the movie was Jurassic Park and the dude with the shotgun and the sweet hat (Robert Muldoon) gets eaten by a raptor because as he so rightly puts it, raptors are clever. Which is why I have such a soft spot for Philosoraptor. Philsoraptor asks the questions that we want answered, the questions we may never know the answer to. Check out a selection of his finest after the jump.