I wanted to start off by saying that my Photoshop skills are as great as my penis is long but then realised how I just insulted myself so I gave up on that intro and went with something a little less self-deprecating.
I know as much about art as a garden snail knows about astrophysics, but I made something that I think looks a little arty. It was an entry that I created for a competition on the local Playstation 3 forum; I converted into a wallpaper and wanted to share it with you – it’s called Invade or Die.

Keeping true to our theme that choice is the most important priority right after love, sex, intelligence, pets, internet, and a whole bunch of other stuff, I have prepared a few different resolutions of the wallpaper in case you might actually like it and want to download a bigger version.
Right click the link of the resolution you’re interested in and select the option to save the image/link.
1280×800 | 1280×960 | 1440×900 | 1600×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1920×1200
480×272 (PSP) | 1280×720 (720p) | 1920×1080 (1080p)
Do let me know what you think about it.