Arrested Development was cancelled way before its time. Since the season finale in 2006, fans of the incredibly funny witty TV series have been praying for its return. At the recent New Yorker Festival, audiences broke out into rapturous applause when the series creator Mitch Hurwitz announced that the show (and movie!) would return to TV screens in 2013.
Overcome with happiness, illustrator Jon Defreest decided to pay homage to the show and a very special member of the Bluth family by creating a flavour of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Called I Just Blue Myself, the flavour celebrates the questionable sexuality of the family’s analyst and therapist (shortened to analrapist), Tobias Fünke.

Defreest has whipped up more ice cream flavours based on pop culture characters including Dexter, Ron Swanson, and The Dude. Have a look at those after the jump.