Cautionary Tales History

Totalitarian Architecture of the Third Reich

From Dark Roasted Blend comes a fascinating article on how the Nazi government used architecture to intimidate their people and to showcase the regime’s strengths. Hitler was a great admirer of the Roman Empire, and most of the structures and monuments designed by the Nazi party’s chief architect Albert Speer imitated Imperial Rome.

From the plans to rebuild Berin into Welthauptstadt (“World Capital”) Germania, to the Olympic Stadium for Aryan triumphs in sports, to the Reich Chancellery which would intimidate foreign dignitaries and politicians, Hitler and his associates celebrated the German national identity as the master Aryan race through architecture.

Read the engrossing article HERE.

1 reply on “Totalitarian Architecture of the Third Reich”

Interesting read. Its really jaw dropping the plans they had and makes you wonder what the world would have been like, if they had taken Europe.