
James May And The Full-Sized LEGO House

With a penchant for good wine and ‘careful’ driving (he passed his driving test on his second attempt), the multi-talented James May is exploring yet another passion – toys, more specifically LEGO. After a couple of beers down the pub, May decided it would be a good idea to build the world’s first two-storey house from LEGO bricks. The process will be filmed for the BBC series, James May’s Toy Stories.

Situated at at Denbies Wine Estate in Surrey, May’s LEGO palace is based around a wooden infrastructure, will use over over 816 million LEGO pieces and will even have a working a LEGO toilet. Around 1,200 people have been helping May, and once the house is built, he has promised to live in it.

I’m planning to stay there for two or three days, or until it falls down – whichever is sooner. I’m pretty relaxed about it, but will just have to be careful moving around.

If I wake up buried under a pile of bricks I’ll know it’s gone wrong.

Have a look at the construction below. More images can be found at Jalopnik.

Started on August 1, the house is due to be completed at the end of this week.

[via Daily Mail]

3 replies on “James May And The Full-Sized LEGO House”

Been a hectic day, had absolutely no time to blog. :-((

I can imagine James trying to fix something with the plumbing, and half house falls down. OH COCK!

LMAO, the OH COCK comment is sooooo spot on. I love that show, or anything the trio really touches.

Just noticed the space ship above your logo, nice touch :)