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Tattoos run the gamut from the utterly ridiculous, to fail territory, to the sublime. It’s the job of Toby at LOLTATZ to capture stupidly awesome tattoos for posterity. The captions are delightful too, have a look at some of them after the jump.

And see many more at LOLTATZ.

[via OIJOZI]

64 replies on “OMG, LOLTATZ!”

I’m a big fan of some kinds of tattoos, and I have three of my own which I think are quite lovely. The tats above are quite awful – especially the woman with the facial tat. Also the tattooed feet are particularily gross. And “thug wife” really??

I’ve seen a lot of cool tats, but very few that I would actually considering getting, also I thought you should know that you and my cat have the same name.

The girl with the 18 on her face had no say in the matter. The girls in those gangs are vicious as hell, it was join the gang and get the gang-tat by choice or they kill her on the street. Either or.
So yes, I’m all for ripping people off about bad tattoos, but gang tattoos aren’t funny. Especially if you don’t know the circumstances these people live in.

I’ll never understand why people ruin their bodies like this. TATS are UGLY!!!! It just makes you look like a loser

Nah, I disagree. His / her comment makes him / her look like someone with good taste. Tats ARE ugly. There’s no better way of screaming “I’M INDIVIDUAL!!” than doing exactly what everyone else who wants to be individual does and getting a tattoo.

I disagree with your disagreement. There’s no better way to scream “I judge people!” than your comment. Tattoos are a life decision and who is anyone to judge it. As an artist, I think tattoos are delightful. Not to “BE INDIVIDUAL” but to make myself happy, and in the end isn’t that all that matters? Making yourselves happy?

Geez, I hope there’s more to life than that, ODD. If making myself happy is all that really matters, that can make you a very dangerous and self-centered person.

Oh…..and BTW, TATS are still ugly.

@Shinde & co.

tattoo’s are a choice, like smoking, drinking, watching twilight movies. one man’s meat is another’s poison.
while i’m sure the owner of this site appreciates everyone’s comments, i do think a little bit of acceptance of other people’s choices goes a long way. no matter which side of the fence you sit on.

I will never understand why people get massive tattoos like this. Do you really want that for the rest of your life? I just don’t understand. BUT just because I would never in my life do something like this does not mean other people can’t. Live and let live.

@easy I accept their choice……cover your whole body from head to toe with tats for all I care. I’m just saying they look ugly and make you look like a loser who’s desperate for attention, or security (i.e. “Look how tough I think I am”).

Give over, we all judge people – its human nature. You see someone in the street with a facial tattoo, or a mohawk, or a young mother pushing a pram and you make judgements. EVERYONE does. You’ve judged me in your post.

I also hate the way that people say “as an artist…” to somehow give their opinion more validity. You don’t have to be an artist to recognise art and you don’t have to be a carpenter to recognise you’re a tool.

No, but an artist would know a little bit more about it just like a carpenter would know a little more about what tools to use for the job.

Great utilitarian argument. It is about making yourself happy. What does it matter to you if somebody has a tattoo? Not all are hideous, as you perceive. Just these ones. So stop being a self-centered dick (SHNIDE) and keep your damn judgements to yourself.

People who don’t understand tattoos or don’t have tatoos are prone to using the word TATS…. they are tattoos. TATTOOS. And if you don’t like tattoos why are you commenting on a page about tattoos. you think about it…. what are you trying to prove?

LOL this thread.
Really guys, grow up and learn to accept the diversity of our human natures. :) Just because something isnt your thing doesnt mean one has to be base and insulting. Lets keep things civil here, children.

I have 2 tattoos, honors student, in college, making great decisions, yet I’m a loser? I think not. I have a cancer ribbon in honor of my dead grandmother and I’m a loser? Also, I think not. Grow up.

Love the Cheech & Chong one, life-like art work, the rest, revive the freak shows.Just don’t show them again in about 20/30 years.

You’re a bitch. That’s all I have to say. Along with shnide, that person is a bitch too. Having a tattoo doesnt make you a “loser” in any way. You thinking like that makes you a “loser”. I hope you get aids bitch. ;]

@easy Thank you!

I am currently in the process in covering my body with ridiculous/retarded but clever tattoos. When will it not be funny? Life is funny. People really need to take a step back and realise the humour in the humans ways. If I get something like, the word LOL near my funny bone, when am I going to wake up and go, fuck that was a bad idea!? Basically, never. Even the argument of ‘you’ll regret that when you’re 60’…? Will I? If I turn into a prudish fart that grew out of my sense of humour? Maybe. Fact is: no. I won’t. Like @easy said: ‘One man’s meat is another’s poison.’

If you think it’s funny, get it, but by all means GET SOMEONE GOOD TO DO! Otherwise you’ll regret your life forever, and you’ll end up hating it! …also, sleep on it, for at least a month. If it’s not funny in a month, it wont be funny in 6 months to infinity.

Rant Over.

Thanks for checkin out LOLTATZ, Check back daily!


Art itself is a subjective thing and means different things to different people. Our opinions are bound to differ, but I agree with you Odd, easy & LOLTATZ.

Some tolerance on the matter would be appreciated.

It’s really sad that some people feel the need to disfigure themselves with tattoos. We can only wonder what is lacking in their lives that they would do such a thing.

you are a fuckstick… you dont know shit and posting dumb ass comments like you have here is indicative of your utter lack of understanding of how the world works.

grow a brain moron. you make the world a worse place to be for everyone with your bullshit, judgemental, stupidity.


Idiots with stupid tattoos are the same idiots who use a stupid name that he/she is trying hard to offend others. Talk about growing a brain, Cunt. You should re-read your comment before you post it, Cunt. It looks like an angry monkey flinging his shit, Cunt.

I think the pirate-platypus tattoo can now be added onto and checked off the list of things I needed to see before I die…


anyone hating on people is weak shit man….. all you haters can go suck satans cock!

this girl with an 18 on her face didn’t have a choice. it’s kind of a branding from the gang. not funny

not to pick on you particularly, but yours is the second comment i’ve read claiming ‘she didn’t have a choice’. i believe this to be complete and utter bullsh!t.
you always have a choice.
she could have chose not to become involved with the gang in the first place.
she could have chose to die on the street for ‘disrespecting’ the gang.
she could have chose to rise above her situation. make something more of herself, and move the f*ck out of that neighborhood.
just try to remember that, you always have a choice.

i LOVE tattoos by the way.

Yes, youre right. She had a choice between living with that 18 across her entire face or dying. Obviously you understand exactly how it feels to be given an ultimatum of life and death and are courageous enough to sacrifice your life for the sake of morals.
Fuck you. I would much rather have the opportunity to continue living, even disfigured in someway than become a martyr about whom no one will ever care for stupid reasons.

as for the people who think that everyone who has a tattoo is a loser, you’re the kind of asshole that makes me hate the human race. It’s alright to dislike tattoos, and to think they’re ugly, because that’s your aesthetic taste. But don’t presume to think you know what kind of person they are based on that. You’re fucking retarded if you do. I bet if I saw you on the street, I’d think you look like a fucking loser. But I’d still give you a chance to prove otherwise.

Tattoos are an art form, and a method of personal expression. Some people (like the lyke omg girls with the trampstamps made of hearts and stars and pretty flowers isnt it sooooo kewl??) should spend more time thinking about what they want and choosing an artist to do it, to be sure, but I think that the shape and curves of the human body often accentuate the art to a point that a conventional canvas can’t.

Furthermore, to the fuckhead who talked about trying to be an individual by doing what everyone else is doing—You are one of the most idiotic closeminded people i’ve ever had the misfortune of sharing even a webpage with. Fuck you. Your comment is not only stupid, it undermines every tattoo artist and recipient who refuses to pick something out of a book, who spends countless hours drawing and designing gorgeous custom art, who has sat through hours and hours of painful sessions to be able to present the world with beautiful art.

I am a walking canvas, and I love my tattoos. Each of them means something to me personally, each has a custom design and each artist was chosen with care to ensure that the art I have had permanently etched in my skin will be beautiful.

I just want to point out that not all tattoos are ugly, stupid, disfiguring, etc etc etc. I got a tattoo 4 weeks ago after my boyfriend of 5 years passed away suddenly- he was 21. Everyone who’s seen it says it’s beautiful, surprisingly including his rather straight-laced, anti-tattoo/piercing parents (it’s an angel crying over a little monument with his initials). My tattoo artist did a phenomenal job- so you won’t ever see my tattoo on a FAIL website. :)

The reason I got my tattoo was because he changed me as a person so much on the inside that I wanted to have a physical change on the outside to document that by. He was my best friend, my confidant, and would have been my husband. I will carry him with me, both inside of me and on my body, until I see him again. To say that this tattoo is disfiguring, ugly, stupid, etc. is an insult both to me and to his memory. Sure, there’s tattoos out there that fit under that category, but making blanket statements about all tattoos is quite stupid in and of itself.

Thanks for this snapshot into your personal choice. I am sorry for your loss and I agree. My friend recently lost her 17 month old baby suddenly to a respiratory disease and she (who has always been semi anti tattoo) got a beautiful tat of a caterpillar (baby’s favorite toy) with a princess tiara and the word princess (baby’s nick name). Tattoos are a personal choice and MANY have deep meaning to those with them. Mine are of my daughters birth flowers and the zodiac sign of my own lost baby. Blanket statements about tattoos show the ignorance of people whose snap judgements make them not only look stupid but also deeply egocentric and insensitive.

Wow. Some serious tattoophobes out there.. Tattoos, like piercings, or maybe clothes in some cases, are a form of personal expression. Only difference being, it’s (mostly) permanent. Sure, some tattoos end up being ridiculous, turn out horrible, or may lead to regret when the person is older.. But calling tattoos ugly is just plain ignorant and prejudiced. Not all tattoos are disfiguring or indicative of criminals.
Many people have tattoos that have a personal meaning to them. Tattoos can be powerfully symbolic of things in their lives. A constant reminder. Or even a thing of beauty..
Would you call a piercing, makeup, henna, hair coloring, accessories, clothes, etc ugly? They are mostly unnecessary and just cosmetic too, ya know.. And that’s not even mentioning other kinds of art.

Remember.. It’s all subjective and a matter of individual preference.. If you think it’s ugly, you need not get tattooed or pierced.. And I’m pretty sure the tattooed folk won’t force YOU to get inked as well.. So relax, take a chill pill, snuggle up in your tiny happy secluded corner of your world and let others feel free to express themselves as they like ;)

That aside, the Cheech and Chong tattoo rocks!

I have to agree with easy and the quote “one mans meat is another mans poison”. people who get tattoos made a decision so let them make it. If they do regret it you can say you told them so but as bk said not all tattoos are disfiguring n sh*t, although some are, btw i think that was a brilliant comment and I’m sorry for your loss, some have meaning and look good. As for those who reffer to the situation like dr sick cunt… i think people liike him are the attention seekers and dim-witted considering the fact that he uses insults like “suck satans cock” :loser:
In my own opinion the tattoos are extremely funny and cool to look at but I wouldn’t do it to myself because I don’t think it would be worth the pain (if there is any) and slight chance of infection…ew…and if it was a crazy one like this I would regret the decision later on in life and it is not BAD for someone to hate someone, it’s natural, as for offending them, well… you shouldn’t but once again it’s natural.
I now this comment is hypocritical but all the same…I’m a natural person!!! :-D

I’m more worried for the comment of the gang family portrait than their tattoo.tattoos express who you are, what you may think is dumb/gross/ or just plain tasteless another person will think the opposite. :heart:

You can tell me that my tattoos are ugly/stupid/a cry for attention but that doesn’t mean I love them any less. Just like I can tell you what each tattoo means to me and how I will never regret memorializing a time in my life and the things I love but that doesn’t mean you’ll go “oh I want to go get a tattoo now!!”

everyone has a different opinion be it tattoos, their favorite color, or what they want to do with their lives. we can disagree but don’t try to tell me WHY I like what I like. thank you.

Of course something like this would spark all kinds of tattoo controversy. What people need to remember is that it is an individual choice. You don’t have to stare at it every day, or endure the consequences of marking your body with an image that might be controversial, so really, why do you even care? It’s not really any of your business. Also, for everyone else that supported freedom of expression and the artistic nature of tattoos, I’m really very disappointed that no one thought to bring up the historical and cultural relevance of tattoos, with the possible exception of the poor girl w/the gang related tattoo. In many other cultures, tattooing is a sign of status or a mark of a warrior, and this has been true throughout history. This simple fact leads me to conclude that people that feel the need to speak out against tattoos, which not only do not affect them in any way, but are also an art form and a very ancient way of expressing one’s identity, are simply ignorant or uneducated, or possibly didn’t take the time to really think about what they were saying.

That woman with “18” on her face is actually a woman who was forced to tattoo that on her face because the “18” stands for a large gang in Mexico. They tattoo women when they are forced to join the gang so that other gangs will always see who they belong to.

At first I would say she’s an idiot but I watched a show on it and she was one of the women in the show – she had no choice, that tattoo is in fact a mark of shame.

What does that footloose one even say? I like to fuck and what? Haha. But I’d also like to say that It super depends on what the tattoo is of. These ones are terrible haha that’s why they’re on here. But there are far more absolutely stunning tattoos. And to the person that says shame we can’t appreciate the beauty of skin, who said we can’t? Some tattoos only add to the natural beauty of skin. And like some other people pointed out, tattoos likely have a deeper meaning. To call them stupid seems very insulting to that meaning. Basically, there are good ones and bad ones. Don’t mush them into the same category.

I just say live and let live. Some people you will just never see eye to eye with on anything, no use arguing over it. You’re wasting your time and breath trying to get them to see your perspective. Like it or hate it, tattoos are a part of society, from tribal rituals in Africa and Australia, to popular American culture. That’s life.