In his series entitled Faces, designer Patrick Seymour from Montreal Canada uses bold lines and symmetry to create some striking line art illustrations. Have a look at the Seymour’s hypnotic series of faces after the jump.
Hypnotic Line Art Faces

In his series entitled Faces, designer Patrick Seymour from Montreal Canada uses bold lines and symmetry to create some striking line art illustrations. Have a look at the Seymour’s hypnotic series of faces after the jump.
It is said that human beings are hard-wired to identify the human face from a distance. We only need a few minimal details to make the recognition, and as such we’re predisposed to seeing human faces in everyday objects such as clouds, buildings, and paintings. This phenomenon is termed pareidolia, and you can see it in the paintings of Oleg Shuplyak. The artist from Ukraine cleverly uses people, objects, and landscapes to give his paintings a double meaning. See the hidden faces in a few of Shuplyak’s paintings after the jump.
I see what you did there, Jesús González Rodríguez. In his photo project entitled 1/2, the student from Venezuela creates illusions using the human face. Rodríguez takes frontal and side-on shots of his subject’s face and then merges them to create a rather creepy composite.
Have a look at Rodríguez’ multidirectional face illusions after the jump.
PhotoFunia is total funsies. It’s a web-based image manipulator that lets you insert yourself into a some cool photos ranging from an Andy Warhol-esque art gallery scene to a magazine cover, to Victori Beckham’s latest sex toy.
Take a clean headshot of yourself and go to it! Let us know if you want to share your super-awesome creation.